Since the biggest complaint regarding the first game was that there simply wasn’t enough of it, the second one is supposed to be much more expansive with more locations, characters and upgrades. SteamWorld Dig 2 takes place in a post-apocalyptic steampunk world where Earth has become a desert wasteland its remaining inhabitants are small populations of steam-driven robots and irradiated. The fair amount of detail in the backgrounds and foregrounds is. It takes lessons from Heists book and gives us a ton of variety. The new game is supposed to eschew the procedurally generated content of its predecessor in lieu of custom designed maps. The visual presentation of SteamWorld Dig 2 is on point too. Luckily I remembered that you can also take screenshots through the steam overlay with f12. She has given up the search and moved to the city of El Machino, where she finds a reason to start exploring again. SteamWorld Dig seems to be incompatible with fraps.

The player controls the new dig-bot, Dorothy (she appeared as a merchant in the first game), who was looking for Rusty, the protagonist from the last game who went missing. Intel HD 4600 or better 512 MB of VRAM OpenGL 2. The game is a sequel to the award-winning SteamWorld Dig! A Metroidvania-like platform mining adventure that is set right after the events from the first game. SteamOS 2.0 / Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (64-bit) Processor (CPU) 2 GHz 2 GHz Dual Core: System memory (RAM) 1 GB: Hard disk drive (HDD) 350 MB: Video card (GPU) framebuffer object support, e.g.